Chakras: Energy Centers Of Transformation
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In Chakras, Indian scholar and tantra practitioner Harish Johari introduces the classical principles of the chakras as well as their practical application for today. In this expanded edition, complete with new art and text, he unfolds the mysteries of these subtle centers of transformation with visualization techniques essential to a fully realized tantric practice. Unlike other books in its field, Chakras provides the tools to activate these centers of transformative energy and elevate one's intellectual knowledge to an experience of spiritual growth.
\"A beautifully crafted book. Johari skillfully takes us into the machinery of Hindu metaphysics, a nerve system vehicle that navigates the invisible frontiers of consciousness...compressed with detail.\"\"Among the best of Western explications, combining traditional, visionary, and practical views...illustrated, detailed, and accessible to the neophyte.\"\"For Harish Johari—artist, composer, teacher, tantric devotee—desire is the brush and the five senses are the palette.\"\"Unlike other books in its field, Chakras provides the tools to activate . . . and elevate one's intellectual knowledge to an experience of spiritual growth. Nowhere else will the Western reader find so much valuable information on this ancient tradition in one place.\"\"Johari shows us the mysteries of these subtle centers of transformation with visualization techniques essential to a fully realized tantric practice.\"
*[READ] Now Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation By Harish Johari on Iphone New VersionDownload Or Read Now ==> Revised and expanded edition of the classic work on chakras by the renowned Indian scholar and tantra practitioner. Includes full-color illustrations of the chakras to be used with the meditation exercises in the book and provides the tools necessary to activate these centers of transformative energy. In the ancient science of tantra, the human body is viewed as the most perfect instrument for the expression of consciousness, a perfection realized through the development of psychic centers known as chakras. Located within the cerebrospinal system, the chakras are the stage upon which the interaction between higher consciousness and desire is played out. Consequently, it is through understanding and utilizing the energies of the chakras that we ultimately reach an enlightened state of being. In Chakras, Indian scholar and tantra practitioner Harish Johari introduces the classical principles of the chakras as well as their practical application for today. In this expanded edition,
This book is an introduction to the classical understanding of chakras, which are most simply defined as psychic centers of transformation that enable one to move toward an enlightened state of being. Although the roots of the knowledge about chakras are of ancient origin, this knowledge is still functionally practical today. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means a wheel, a disc, or any arrangement in circular form or organization. The ancient sources depict each of the seven major chakras as a lotus blossom, a circular form surrounded by petals, as we shall see illustrated in chapter 3, The Essentials of the Chakras. The word chakra also indicates movement. Chakras introduce movement because they transform psychophysical energy into spiritual energy.
Prana is distributed throughout the body by Nadis, channels of energy. The Nadi transport system belongs to the subtle body and the chakras are connected to the main Nadi of this system, the Sushumna, which operates within the vertebral (spinal) column. Chakras thus do not belong to the material body and cannot be described fully from a materialistic standpoint. Just as a painting cannot be described merely from the standpoint of its lines, curves, or varying shades of color, even though these can be said to form its basic structure, chakras cannot be defined physiologically, or through any physical science such as neurochemistry. However, chakras are not imaginary centers; they are subtle centers that can be activated by the techniques described in this book.
Tantra has studied chakras as centers of transformation in all walks of life and has evolved the system of Tantra Yoga to bring happiness and joy in worldly life as well as spiritual evolution. Tantra Yoga is for anybody who has a spine, two nostrils, good concentration, and the power of visualization.
The third chakra, Manipura, is associated with personal power, energy, and transformation. Its color is yellow and its element is fire. The mantra that corresponds with this chakra is Ram.
A chakra is also the Sanskrit word for wheel or disk. The knowledge about these energy centers comes from the Eastern traditions known as the eightfold path. Other Eastern traditions use this concept in Chinese medicine. Here they call it Chi.
The concept of Chakras came into popular Western culture in the 1800s following the book, The Serpent Power by Sir John Woodroffe (2). He is responsible for highlighting the rainbow of colors associated with each energy point explaining the seven energy centers that run from the base of the spine to an invisible crown above the head.
A chakra is an energy center or junction point. Many Eastern healing arts base their systems on these energy centers. The theoretical knowledge of these centers has been refined and proven effective with thousands of years of use.
Many practitioners visualize these chakra energy centers as swirling spirals. Perhaps this is why we see the spiral symbol in so many cultures. It represents divine energy in many traditions. It is amazing how different cultures discovered these same energy centers. It means a chakra is a universal principle. They all agree that the more healthy, vibrant, and aligned, the more powerful and harmonious the energy flow.
Many believe the heart is one of the main chakra energy centers of transformation. We associate it with the color green. It is in the middle of the chest, just above the heart. This point is in the center of our body mass and radiates energy throughout the body.
If we apply the proper techniques, the 7 chakra energy centers of transformation are our source of natural healing. Using any of the spiritual technologies will positively affect your health and wellness. Many believe the key to better health and healing is finding the right balance of these techniques. It provides a way to access our source. They help to keep us in alignment and balance.
In the ancient science of tantra, the human body is viewed as the most perfect instrument for the expression of consciousness. This perfection is realized through the development of the psychic centers, or chakras. Located within the cerebrospinal system, the chakras are the stage upon which the interaction between higher consciousness and desire is played out. Consequently, it is through understanding and utilizing the energies of the chakras that we ultimately reach an enlightened state of being.Harish Johari, Indian scholar and practitioner of tantra, introduces the classical principles of the chakras as well as their practical application for today. He unfolds the mysteries of these subtle centers of transformation with techniques of visualization that are essential to tantric practice and realization.Johari's beautiful, full-color illustrations provide images-at once traditional and visionary-of each chakra; meditation on these images vitalizes the cerebrospinal centers and harmonizes the entire system both physically and psychically. Additional line drawings allow the aspirant to color in the images as an exercise in visualization and contemplation of the chakras. Sections on each chakra elaborate on correspondences with mantras, colors, astrological signs, and deities, as well as with particular personality types and behavioral characteristics.Unlike other books in its field, Chakras provides the tools to activate the centers of transformative energy and elevate one's intellectual knowledge to an experience of spiritual growth. Nowhere else will the Western reader find so much valuable information on this ancient tradition in one place. For scholars and spiritual aspirants of every level, Chakras will be an invaluable, pra 59ce067264